April 15, 2013

Who knows what this is?

This is just a jumbled mess I have a long road to get my blog updated so this is just....who knows?
Well lets start out with some of my amazing friends.
Lisa Sheffer and I while we were at her house for a bake off we made meatloaf, rolls, twice baked potatoes, and other delicious goodness. Its so fun to have such great friends and neighbors to do stuff like this with.
My beautiful friend Lisa Sheffer and I.
This was our super awesome activity we have the funnest activities this activity we played minuate to win it, So much fun!
 We played this awesomely embarrassing game. Its a mix of Limbo and a brown paper bag....I did not win.
Not only did we have awesome friends to be with we also had Family to be with! Couldn't possibly be a party without a good game of Animals on the bus.
 Braydan & Jessica's family were able to come and visit after Christmas we had so much fun seeing them wish we could see them more! We all LOVED and fought over Baby Jane We hope they come again soon to visit!
 Cheyane is such a sweetheart and loved holding Jane
ok so I am the type of mom to let my kids wear whatever they want almost when ever they want we were at the mall shopping and I realised how awesome my kids looked...
 Hudson is a little stinker he is trying to get me with his blanket.
My kids wanted to have a "pajama Party" they wanted to have a pillow fight and play games so that is just what we did, I love these crazy kids!
 Our starfish is getting huge!!! that purple fish by him is at least an inch and a half.
 Sleepy Hudson
 We got to Celebrate our friend Kates birthday with us we all decorated our own cakes

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